Adeiza, Kabiru, and Muhibudeen (2015) utilized the variables in the listed chemical and paint firms in their study in Nigeria, they employed multiple regression as a data analysis methodology. In a Nigerian-based study, Mukhtar (2015) used OLS to determine the statistical influence of ownership structure on dividend payout ratio. In a similar line, Nuraddeed and Hasnah (2015) cited in Idris Ibrahim (2016) utilized pooled OLS to evaluate data on conglomerate business ownership structure and dividend policy in Nigeria. Similarly, typical linear regression models were utilized in the majority of research on ownership structure and dividend payout policy to generate results and draw conclusions.
According to Emekekwue (2005) quoted in Idris Ibrahim (2016), the dividend policy establishes what percentage of a company's earnings will be distributed as dividends or kept back as retained earnings. Retained earnings are one of the most important sources of finance for a company's projects. Dividends, on the other hand, are a portion of a company's after-tax earnings delivered to shareholders as compensation for their investment. Dividends give discretionary income to owners. As a result, utilizing concentrated ownership (CONCO), institutional ownership (INCO), and managerial ownership (MANO) as research variables, this study aims to evaluate the impact of ownership structure on the dividend policy of deposit money banks in Nigeria.
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